Jude M. Fondoh
Jude M. Fondoh, M.A., PharmD
Jude M. Fondoh has been the secretary of Cameroonians of Lubbock (CAMOL) since January 2023. He earned a Master’s degree in Peace Building and International Relations from the Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), Harissonburg, Va. He later on, obtained a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharmd D) from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Worcester MA. Jude has been part of CAMOL since he moved to Lubbock 6 years ago. He enjoys bringing his family and getting engaged in CAMOL’s monthly meetings and community activities. He strongly believes that when the different components of our society see the need to genuinely work together, they can achieve a common good, which will be greater than, and better than each individual part could ever achieve or imagine. In his spare time, he loves to travel with his family.
Fun Fact

Mount Cameroon is not only the highest peak in West Africa, it is also an active volcano.